3 ways to drive better commercial results from your marketing

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As a B2B tech business owner, it can be frustrating to invest in marketing efforts that do not deliver the commercial returns you’re aiming for. Through my experience working with B2B tech companies, I have identified three key strategies that consistently help achieve better commercial outcomes: focusing on data-driven decision-making, aligning marketing efforts with business goals, and leveraging Meta advertising for highly targeted campaigns.

In this blog, I will explain these strategies and show you how they can significantly improve your marketing results.

1. Focus on data-driven decision making

Understanding your customers and how they behave is critical to successful marketing in the B2B tech space. Data analytics is your best tool for this. Using platforms like Google Analytics and CRM systems, you can track what your customers are doing, what interests them, and which marketing efforts are working. This data gives you clear direction on where to focus your marketing efforts to get the best results.

Once you have the data, the next step is to use it effectively. Look at the patterns and trends to see what is working and what is not. This allows you to make informed decisions, like adjusting your messaging, focusing on the most effective channels, or reallocating your budget. When you use data to guide your marketing strategies, you will likely see better commercial outcomes.

3 ways to drive better commercial results from your marketing

2. Align marketing efforts with business goals

For your marketing efforts to drive significant commercial results, they need to be directly tied to your business goals. A general push to generate leads or increase brand awareness is an insufficient goal; you must ensure that your marketing activities are tailored and align effectively with the bigger picture, whether growing profitable revenue, acquiring a specific profile of new customers, or expanding into new markets.

Ensure marketing and senior leadership work together to set clear, measurable objectives that support these goals. For example, if customer retention is a priority, consider strategies that strengthen existing relationships, such as personalised email campaigns or loyalty programs. The key is ensuring every marketing initiative has a clear purpose that contributes directly to your business’s bottom line.

3 ways to drive better commercial results from your marketing

Utilise Meta Advertising for targeted campaigns

Meta’s advertising platforms (Facebook and Instagram) offer powerful tools for reaching the right audience with your marketing messages. With their advanced targeting options, you can ensure your ads are seen by the people most likely to be interested in your products or services—whether that is based on demographics, interests, or behaviour.

To get the most out of Meta advertising, create custom audiences matching your ideal customer profiles. You can also use lookalike audiences to find new potential customers who share similar traits with your existing ones. Choose the ad formats that best suit your campaign goals. At Resonate, we have seen video advertising to be particularly effective. Track your ad performance using Meta’s analytics tools so you can refine your campaigns and maximise your ROI. By targeting the right people with the right message, you can significantly boost the commercial results of your marketing efforts.

3 ways to drive better commercial results from your marketing


Focusing on data-driven decision-making, aligning your marketing efforts with your business goals, and utilising Meta’s advanced advertising tools can drive better commercial results from your marketing. These strategies are proven to be effective in the B2B tech space. When you understand your customers, ensure your marketing aligns with your business objectives, and use targeted campaigns, you set your business up for success.

Partner with Resonate for better commercial results

At Resonate, we specialise in helping B2B tech businesses like yours drive better commercial results through smart, strategic marketing. Our approach is rooted in data-driven insights, ensuring that every marketing effort aligns with your business goals. We leverage tools and platforms, such as Meta advertising, to create targeted campaigns that reach the right audience at the right time. Visit our marketing services page to learn how Resonate can help your business win through commercially focused marketing.

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Girish is the CMO & Co-Founder of Resonate.

GV is our Marketing and Delivery head. He keeps our clients’ marketing strategy on track and leads the Resonate team to deliver commercial outcomes.

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